MA (Melanie) Brown 2015-2027
Melanie has lived in the district for 34 years and is involved with the running of her family broad acre farm. Melanie's family are 3rd generation farmers with the Browns having been in the district for over 75 years.
Serving on Council for the past eight years with the last six as Shire President. Melanie is committed to our Shire vision that our community is active, safe and vibrant she is committed to working with her fellow Councillors, Shire Staff and the Community to achieve great outcomes in the future of our KTY Community.
Melanie is a member and Council Committee Delegate for Audit Committee, Local Emergency Management Committee, WALGA Great Eastern Country Zone Committee, NEWROC Council Committee, Kununoppin Medical Practice Committee and the Development Assessment Panel.
Phone: 0400 447 067
CL (Clayton) Marchant 2019-2027
Clayton's family has been in the district since 1908 continuing to be involved in agricultural business and the community ever since.
Community minded and always willing to lend a hand, he brings a fresh youthful perspective to Council.
Clayton is passionate about maintaining standards on our road network and aims to ensure the safety of all road users. Clayton is a member of the WRWA Wheatbelt North East Sub- Regional Road Group, the North Eastern Wheatbelt Regional Organisation of Council, Council Committee Delegate for Audit Committee and the Shire's Development Assessment Panel.
Mobile: 0429 831 081
ML (Michelle) McHugh 2017-2025
Michelle's family has lived in Kununoppin for over 30yrs. Michelle in conjunction with her husband and their son owns and manages a small transport business in the district.
Michelle is a member and Council Committee Delegate for Audit Committee, and Kununoppin Hospital Local Health Advisory Group, the Development Assessment Panel, the Kununoppin Sports & Progress Association and the proxy delegate on the WALGA Great Eastern Country Zone.
Phone: 0447 146 537
PM (Peter) Barnes 2021-2025
Peter's family are pioneers of the district and brings a great sense of Community and knowledge of Emergency Services and skills to Council.
Currently the Captain of the Trayning DFES unit and involved with DFES for the past 17 years, Peter also wears the hat of Chief Fire Control Officer for the district.
He is passionate about helping people in times of need and assisting them to get back on their feet after a crisis. Peter is a member of the Eastern Wheatbelt Biosecurity Group and is a Council Committee Delegate for Audit Committee
Mobile: 0408 053 023
ME (Mark) Leslie 2021-2025
Mark and his wife moved to Trayning six years ago, attracted to the peace and quiet of the district. A local school bus driver and active member of the community Mark involves himself strongly with our local community groups.
Mark is always happy to stop for a chat and is passionate about maintaining a good level of service to our residents. Mark member of the Council Committee Delegate for Audit Committee.
Mobile: 0415 079 234
DA (Dale) Naughton 2023- 2027
Dale is a 3rd generation farmer working alongside his parents, brother and his wife. He is passionate about the development of the KTY Shire and attracting new people to our community.
Being a farmer, maintaining our road network is also high on Dale's list of priorities.
Dale is the delegate to the Wheatbelt North East Sub-Regional Road Group and an alternative member for the Development Assessment Panel.
Mobile: 0428 825 090
CF (Corey) Harken 2023-2027
Corey moved to the district back in 2012 after developing a career in the Agricultural sector. He is passionate about sustainability and the future growth of our district.
Living amongst the community with his wife and young son, growth and attracting young families and potential business's to town is high on Corey's list of importance.
Corey is deputy of the Eastern Wheatbelt Biosecurity Group and is a Council Committee Delegate for Audit Committee.
Mobile: 0448 131 183