Rates 2024/2025
The Shires annual rates for 2024/25 were issued on the 8th of August 2024.
The Rates Notices are printed and posted or emailed to all ratepayers in August each year.
If you don't receive your notice, or if you have any queries in regard to your notice, please contact the Shire Administration Office.
Rates Information
Rating & Taxing Values. This also contains information of where to apply if you wish to raise any objections to your rates.
Valuer General's Guide to Rating and Taxing Values
How to pay your rates
In person at the Shire Office – 66 Railway Street, Trayning. Payments can be made by cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS or by credit card.
Cheque or money orders should be payable to the Shire of Trayning.
If you wish to discuss your rates you can contact the Administration Office on 9683 1001.
- Early Incentive Prize Draw 5% discount if paid before the due date
- In Full - on or before due date
- By Four Instalments:
- 1st – September
- 2nd – November
- 3rd – January
- Final Instalment March
- By choosing method 3 the following fees apply:
- Instalment Interest rate of 5.5%
- Administration Charge of $15.00.
- These charges have been included in the instalment amounts on the rates notice.
- Special Payment Arrangements (available on application)
- Payments by Direct Credit to the Shire bank account either fortnightly or monthly
- Late payment interest rate of 7% and a $15.00 administration fee applies to all special arrangements
It is the owners responsibility to notify the Shire of any changes to your ownership details including your address and phone number. Changes can only be requested in writing by the current owner(s).
Rates Incentive Competition
Ratepayers who pay their rates in full will gain automatic entry into our draw to win various prizes. Simply pay your full annual rates amount by the due date and your name will go in the draw. The winners will be contacted by letter, announced in the Ninghan News and on the Shire of Trayning’s Facebook page immediately after the draw.
Consequences of Non-Payment of Rates
Where no election has been made to enter into an instalment option or payment arrangement and where rates remain outstanding after the due date, legal action WILL be taken for their recovery, as well as the costs of proceedings, if any, for that recovery, in a court of competent jurisdiction.
Emergency Services Levy
Local Governments collect a levy on behalf of the Department Fire and Emergency Services Authority (DFES) by including it on Council rate notices. Funds collected are forwarded to DFES for redistribution throughout the State.